Quantum optimisation

Finding Optimal Arbitrage Opportunities with QPath

17 Jun 2024

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to make money by exchanging currencies? Believe it or not, the answer is yes! This is possible because exchange rates are fixed by currency pairs and sometimes when considering more than two currencies, we can find a sequence of exchanges that allows us to make money by returning to the initial currency.

Quantum game theory

Braess’s paradox and quantum game theory

31 May 2024

We have all experienced the effect of traffic congestion on the road at one time or another. We have lost time, become angry and perhaps, in desperation, demanded that new roads be built. However, did you know that building new roads can lead to more congestion and increased travel time? This counter-intuitive fact is known as the Braess's paradox.

The Quantum Economic Advantage

02 Apr 2024

At the beginning of 2022, the National Bureau of Economic Research released the first publication exploring what was termed the "Quantum Economic Advantage".